How to Tell Signs of Dementia

Alzheimer's Disease, also known as Dementia, is a condition that refers to a group of cognitive disorders affecting the person's memory, thinking, and reasoning skills. It usually gets worse over time, so knowing these early signs will help you recognize the early symptoms before they get much worse.


Dementia affects different people at different rates, but it is estimated that about 25 million people in the United States alone have some form of dementia. Early signs of dementia include:


  •  Memory lapses: One of the most common early symptoms of dementia is forgetting details and names of people. This type of forgetfulness can affect how a person remembers things, including things they should have remembered, like their doctor's appointments or their children's phone numbers. Some people with dementia may be able to recall things at will, but this memory lapse is the most common sign of dementia.
  •  Verbal Fluency: If you notice that a patient can actually converse in sentences without reading them, they are likely to be able to do so later on in life, as well. However, if a patient cannot perform simple tasks, such as eating, drinking, or wiping their mouth, then they may not be able to communicate effectively with you.
  •  Forgetfulness: Another early sign of dementia is forgetfulness. Patients who are suffering from this condition will usually forget things that have happened months or even years ago. This is often caused by an underlying medical condition, but it can also be caused by other issues, including stroke or head injury.
  •  Loss of initiative: A patient with dementia will typically find it harder to accomplish daily tasks. This includes things like dressing, washing their hands, brushing their teeth, or taking a bath. Although they may be able to perform some of these tasks, they may be unable to do others, including planning ahead, organizing household items, or even shopping for groceries. They will also find it difficult to carry out simple tasks that take less than 10 minutes, like opening doors or answering the phone.
  •  Hallucinations: People with dementia may experience hallucinations. These may be frightening and may even lead to them acting violently, such as throwing objects or hurting themselves.
  •  Fatigue: Some people with dementia may find it difficult to concentrate, especially when trying to remember something new. Even tasks that used to take less than a minute will take longer to complete. They may also feel less energized, even though they are active and full of energy throughout the day. They may find it difficult to complete routine tasks such as shopping, driving, or cooking.
  •  Irritability: people with dementia may feel angry or hostile towards family members and friends. They may also be reluctant to talk to people, which can be frustrating and embarrassing.
  •  Speech problems: people with dementia may not speak at all, which can be very upsetting to family and friends. They may also be unable to express their thoughts clearly. This is because their brains function differently than they once did.
  •  Cognitive: Patients with dementia may also show signs of cognitive impairment. This means that they can no longer process information that was provided to them in the past. Although they can remember details, they may not be able to process the information presented to them in the present. Learn how to care for people with this type of dementia at



Signs of dementia are often difficult to spot in a person with dementia

There are ways to help treat this condition and provide your loved one with the best possible chance of living a quality life. These include providing proper medical care, giving them medications that can help, and educating them about their condition, as well as providing them with activities that stimulate their thinking and help them maintain mental clarity.


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