Knowing the Symptoms of the Plague

Plague is an extremely serious bacterial disease that is spread mainly by the bite of fleas


The disease, Yersinia plicatium, lives primarily in flea-infested animals such as ticks, mice and voles, commonly found in dense and urban areas of Asia, Africa and the Americas. This is usually acquired during contact with infected animals during the course of a plague outbreak.


This infectious disease is caused by the microscopic organism Yersinia pestis. This microorganism is also known as the plague bacillus. This organism thrives in warm, moist environments and lives within the warm blood of animals.


There are several symptoms plague carries with it, depending on the type of infection the patient is suffering from. In the early stages, the plague victim may experience a fever and aches. He or she may also experience stomach aches and pain that can be debilitating and sometimes even lead to diarrhea. In advanced stages, the patient may have severe abdominal pains and blisters. The person may also experience jaundice and pale skin.


However, there is no need to panic if you do not see any symptoms. You should seek medical help if the symptoms are too much for your comfort level. Symptoms may include a sudden onset of high fever, intense abdominal pain, chills, vomiting, nausea, swollen glands in the neck and stomach, fatigue and weakness.


If you are already experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important that you get tested and seek medical attention. The sooner you see your doctor, the more likely you are to avoid serious complications. Your doctor will need to run several tests to rule out any other medical conditions or infections you may have. These tests will help determine the cause of your symptoms and whether they are caused by another medical condition.


If you don't want to wait long for medical attention, you can self-medicate. For example, applying lemon juice directly to a wound to relieve itching and burning is an effective method of relieving itching and irritation. Another treatment option is to soak the affected area with water and then apply an antifungal ointment to the wound to relieve itching.


A more common method of self-medication is the use of antifungal agents. There are a number of medicines containing antifungal agents such as nystatin or miconazole that can effectively treat your symptoms. If the pain is not severe, you can try over-the-counter medications such as nystatin containing minocin, ketoconazole, and butoconazole, which have been approved by the FDA as effective treatments for plague.


While it can be quite painful and embarrassing at first, plague patients should not let the disease affect their personal and professional lives. They should seek immediate medical attention to avoid complications.


Plague victims must remember and consider many things concerning their personal health. They should never ignore the advice of a doctor, even if they are in the early stages of the disease. They also need to keep their bodies clean and free of any infections so that they can fight the plague with full strength and energy.


As much as possible, plague sufferers should stay away from using any artificial or synthetic products that might further irritate their skin. They should also be careful about using any medication that contains any form of steroids.


Severe symptoms like those described above are also the reason why it is a wise idea to get yourself checked out and treated right away. If they are left untreated, the disease can progress and worsen. The person will eventually become very weak and could even end up being bed ridden.


Be aware of any symptoms that come your way and take immediate action. Remember that you should not be embarrassed of the fact that you have been suffering from plague, and you should seek medical help immediately.

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